Tuesday 28 June 2016

A message to me...

This has just been laid in me, it might be relevant to a lot of people but I think more than anyone it is so relevant to me.

I believe we need to stay true to ourselves. No mater what you face in life, the one thing that will keep you going and encouraged is staying true to yourself.

1. Leave when the friendship does not serve you anymore, when you are fed up of being used only  when they need you. When you no long get fulfilled from the conversations no matter how hard you try, walk away.

2. Try out that one thing you has always want to do almost all your life but you never did because: "the time was not right, the people around you did not believe in it, because you did not have the money to do it or even because you feared what the world  would think".

3. Speak out when you you feel annoyed with the little things that you would normally let pass. Speak out to the family that always tries to control how you live your life. Speak out to the people that always take advantage of you.

4. Being true is the best feeling because when you sleep at night that little voice you hear saying you did well, or when it says that was hard but I'm glad we over it....see that voice, that is the truest voice in your life.

Be true to you because at the end of the day you are all that you have got!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The thing about depression...

I thought I should write a little something about depression, because it is real and sometimes we live with people that have it or have it ourselves without knowing it. There are some symptoms for depression listed below, and surprisingly they are different from women and men. The great news about depression it that it is treat able.

Differences between male and female depression
Women tend to:
Men tend to:
Blame themselves
Blame others
Feel sad, apathetic, and worthless
Feel angry, irritable, and ego inflated
Feel anxious and scared
Feel suspicious and guarded
Avoid conflicts at all costs
Create conflicts
Feel slowed down and nervous
Feel restless and agitated
Have trouble setting boundaries
Need to feel in control at all costs
Find it easy to talk about self-doubt and despair
Find it “weak” to admit self-doubt or despair
Use food, friends, and "love" to self-medicate
Use alcohol, TV, sports, and sex to self-medicate

 In another post I would like to talk about “the face of depression”. I hope this has shed some light a little on this interesting topic.

Thursday 23 April 2015

I am anti xenophobia

If MY GOD is against it then I am too. T
he bible in the book of  Exodus 23:9 says "do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners..."
and Leviticus 19:33 "when a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them"

So if I support that which is against The Word of GOD I do not love Him as I say I do. This must stop.  When we travel, go for business, sought refuge in our foreign African countries no one mistreats or kill us. South Africa we are AFRICA the is no justifying these gross actions. Lets stand against it in one LOVE.

#enough said...