Wednesday 17 September 2014

Our own season...

Nature is so obedient...look at a tree, lovely green leaves gives shade and coolness in hot summer days, gives sweet fruit as it was created to. Come Autumn it resists not to shed those useful leaves, first as they dry out because of lack of moisture and the cold making it difficult to stay green then one by one the leaves fall. Through the cold winter months it stands there knowing that it can not die, it must live with the little moisture it had stored in its deep roots. Instead of getting weak and dying, the branches and stem dry out and become stronger. Some branches are even cut to make fire but the tree stands there, unmoved and un shaken. This tree knows that winter is only a few months and soon Spring will come. This tree knows it has a purpose to fulfill come summer; fruits to bear and produce, shade and shelter to give from the sun. So it stands there.

Spring time comes, gentle rain pours giving the tree some new life for the new season's happenings. As it accepts all the nutrition from nature it starts to slowly bloom as if winter never happened. Little light green leaves come out then the flowers. They survive the wind and grow as the rain keeps on pouring, before you know it little fruits start to come. Its summer again, the leaves are a bigger with dark green colour, the branches that survived being used as wood for fire in winter are there strong as ever. Before you know it alas we have shade and fruit again...

Now if nature can endure and be obedient to this long painful cycle why do we as humans rebel, moan, try to change or get away from it? Yes our winter is not at the same time, coz we not at the same place. December when we enjoy summer in Africa somewhere in the world there is a heavy cold winter topped with snow. Why envy someone when they enjoy their shade and fruits as you are in your winter? Do you not know that your spring time will come? Take a lesson from the tree. Stand and be unshakable, let your winter prepare you for your summer otherwise you will not appreciate the fruits and shade when it eventually comes.

I'm so moved and challenged by nature see Psalm 19:1-7 and maybe as you're in your season you will know there is a reason!