Wednesday 28 September 2011

Life and lemons

When life throws limes at you
you have two options...
1. Sit down and squeeze the hell outta the lime to get juice,
when you are done sit, drink and enjoy
2. Get a good sharp chefs' knives and slice the limes,
get a bottle of tequilla, some salt drink and enjoy.

The diferrence between the two choices is that you will drink and forget about the lemonade (lime juice)
meanwhile the tequilla, lime and salt will be remembered tommorow - aka Babalaas.

My true and real friends are the tequilla lime and salt
they have brought flavour, memories and good times in my life,
unlike lemonade they were not there for a moment of pleasure
to quench a thirst that will come back again.

thank you to my tequilla, lime and salts I love you and you mean the world to me...

Monday 19 September 2011

Man's greatest Relationship

Man's greatest relationship is that of man and his creator.
This relationship is the centre of it all.  If one has a solid, clear, strong relationship with one's Creator it enables one to form other relationships.  I believe that family, work, social and romantic relationships reflect the type of relationship one has with one's Creator.  The Bible clearly states that "the begining of wisdom is the fear of the Lord - Proverbs 9:10. This wisdom will help help us choose better, live better and love better.  With this wisdom one can create relationships that are unbreakable.

If you have come to know and fear God (have a relationship with Him), you start experiencing and understanding love.  Then.......we will be able to love the way we should.  The greatest principle taught to us by the Bible is to Love and be Loved.  One could say: "how can we ensure we are loved back?" my answer is you need not worry about being loved back by man...the most important Love one needs to know is that of your Creator.  He has loved you, he loves you, He will always love you....
Now how important is that?
That is why I call it Man's greatest relationship.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Spring is here

I am a sucker for Spring....

I love them bright and lovely colours around, people are just jolly and happy and there is no dullness. What I love the most is the clothes! We get to wear it all, the shorts, the short skirts, skin tops and all,  like my Mozambiquan sisters hiding as little as possible! My most recent buy - 2 pairs of peep toe wedges have to be my favourite these days....And I rediscovered 2 of the shortest denim skirts I own! yey! hihihi!

Ladies shave and wax them legs, armpits bits and pieces(giggles).  Exfoliate, mosturise and if u got it flaunt it! I am showing leg at work, weekends and to church! halleluja to Spring! May I hear an Amen?