Wednesday 21 November 2012

Skin Therapist Sessions - Nelspruit session!

On a nice warm November Sunday afternoon we gathered at DeJavu Lounge in Nelspruit where welcome drinks  - passion fruit and lemonade and sparkling wine  -  were served to cool us down.  Miss Euphony started the Skin and Make up session right here in Nelspruit as this is where her dream to educate and share knowledge about skin and beauty was conceived.  She believes this is where the seed needed to be planted first as this idea all began here back in 2010 when she was working at a spa.

The private VIP area reserved at Dejavu Lounge was just perfect for the event. There were exciting conversations in the lounge area where we were seated eagely waiting for the event to begin.

MC for the day was well known Ligwalagwala FM radio personality Nobuhle aka "The Drama Queen"

The Drama Queen
  Miss Euphony began her presentation by defining skin and simplifying it from the complex biological terms so that we could easily understand it.  We were later joined by two gentlemen who seemed so interested as they listened in on the discussion about facial scrubbing products. They were awed to hear Miss Euphony dismiss the use of Mentholated spirit after shaving as it "burns" your skin instead of 'killing' germs as most people think.  We learned so much from what types of cleansers are on the market, types of toners we should use for our different skin types, Moisturisers, serums as well as sun protection products.

A light lunch with a wide selection of scrumptious finger foods was served before we moved on to everyone's favourite topic - Make up! Even the guys sat up looking forward to hear what exactly is the hype about when it comes to makeup. She introduced the types of brushes to use in make up application and  how to use them.  
Miss Euphony demonstrating
 To be practical she started with demonstrations varying from how to shape your eyebrows, how to fill your eyebrows, how to enhance your eyebrows, eye makeup application, applying blush and concealing skin.  Some interesting questions about make up like how to 'fix' over plucked eyebrows Miss Euphony answered all questions and elaborated on how to's of makeup. There was a well of knowledge to draw from, everyone that was there learned something new because there it was a lovely atmosphere where we openly discussed all our issues from being confused about certain products to our embarrassing make up moments.

Give away time
 Just after dessert was served we were treated to a lovely give away surprise, as if the goody bags which contained a glossy yet informative magazine, chocolate fudge treat, some make up application accessories and lots more was not enough. This was a great opportunity to network with others, meet new people and be just relaxed. We left with so much to still speak about and wanting to know when the next session will be as we couldn't wait to have fun again.  This was truly worth it and the beginning of great events to follow.

Some of the ladies at the Event
Keep You eyes opened to see when she will be back in Nelspruit and when she will be coming to your City - JHB, CP, DBN, PTA are up next. Follow her on twitter @SkinTherapistSA for more information

Thursday 12 April 2012

The Joys of motherhood

What an awesome gift it is to be a mother....this is what most mothers say. Regardless of the fact that is has to be the most difficult job in world that you will never get training for.  Some will tell you they were very fortunate because their moms were there every step of the way.  While others will tell you that they just learnt as they went.  Either way these women will tell you there is no greater joy than having sleepless nights, squeeling and loud cries at the most awkward times.  All mommas will tell you that being a mom is just an awesome feeling.  Those tiny hands holding on for life on your index finger, I think that is the way a baby hugs!

Fights getting into the bath, even worse when you take them out, phew! Food fights the list of struggles is endless, but with a smile we endure them all.  As they grow into tolddlers those giggles, they can turn your most awful day into the best day ever. The beauty that comes from mother nature is undefinable, from them being totally dependent on you to being lil miss thangs or dudes that think that have it all in control.  Thats just pure bliss. 

I was fortunately blessed with an awesome pregnancy with very little complications up to the day I gave birth.  That day will remain the most special day in my whole life. It gently poured outside as I patiently (yes patiently screaming) awaited for the arrival of my little angel.  Most people go on as if the stages of labour are daunting and terrifying.  I totally disagree because it is the most bearable pain because of the love of this person that is coming.  The grand entrance of "madamme" was such a beautiful one, brings tears just thinking of it!  Feels just like the other day that all this happened but its been over a year and now we have conversations in baby language!

Mommies we are blessed beyond measure lets enjoy the joys of motherhood while we can!