Wednesday 14 August 2013

Strength of a Woman

You see her smile and all that is behind that smile could possibly be, heart break, hurt, pain, struggle, depression and confusion.  But just because she is a woman she is able to hide that so the world does not see her at her worst. Women have the strength to stand and carry so much weight on their shoulders without shaking or even falling. They go on to raise their children to be women and men of honour and dignity. When their children grow up to be the opposite, women still stand behind them to support, comfort and be the strength that their children need them to be.  You will see a young woman, whom the tragic event of losing a husband unexpectedly happens to, with her shoulders back, head held up high carry on with that pain just to make sure that her kids do not feel the gap life has brought into her family. You will see her be both a mother and father to her kids.  You will see a woman who has suffered at the hands of an abusive lover wake up, making herself up and walking away choosing to leave behind the relationship she knows she does not deserve. You will see a young lady who has been raped by a man whom she knows very well speak out and report him and not protect him or his dignity because she knows that there are young girls who look up to her. You will see a young lady who will stand up for herself and other women again sexism and discrimination in the workplace in the so called “man’s corporate world”. This is the strength of a woman, she is made to be this strong because she is a nurturer in life and as much as a nurturer needs to be soft and gentle a nurturer needs to be strong too. I am honoured to have women of glory, valour, beauty, wisdom, charisma and strength in my life.  You woman are not just a pretty flower placed on this earth, you are greatness at its best, one of the greatest creations of God.

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