Thursday 31 January 2013

Private Party

"Sometimes I'm alone but never lonely
That's what I've come to realize
I've learned to love the quiet moments
The Sunday mornings of life
Where I can reach deep down inside
Or out into the universe
I can laugh until I cry
Or I can cry away the hurt"

The above verse is take from India.Arie's song "Private party". I love it so much coz it reminds me that there is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company and listening to the voice inside. Most of the time this voice gives compliments about little achievements and about our positive image. This is no pity party but a party where u alone celebrate yourself, your beauty from outside and inside. There is no better person to have this private party with other than you.  Today I am having a private party pity is not allowed I will strip down my clothes appreciating how God has created me physically, then strip down all emotional garmets of hatred, pity, doubtfulness and insecurities. I'm having a Private Party I will be all alone celebrating the woman I have become!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

My passion for African Soccer

So I have been hit by the African soccer fever...since Afcon Orange started I've been loving the soccer matches, I have not missed a single live game in Mbombela. The spirit here is just awesome, before now even during the 2010 Soccer World Cup I didnt give two looks at at soccer match. I supported Kaiser Chief because I just liked them, but now I know why i support them.  I really get it why people go crayze about the soccer. It's like the soccer fairy flew over me....

The spirit of the Ethiopians was so amazing on their first game against Zambia their support kept their team going and they made the whole stadium brim with join. The beautiful ladies, the colourful clothing Nelspruit was just bright and yellow.  

Their passion for the game.........priceless there was one fan who jumped into the pitch after they had scored their first goal after Zambia had scored. He was so excited he didn’t mind security carrying him over the fence.  And most people clearly saw the one who ran to the goal post NAKED during their loss against Burkina Faso on the 25th of January.
Speaking of Burkina Faso you also cannot miss the supporter’s with their bright green and red.  They play drums for daaaayzzzz during the day and dance like there is no tomorrow this one caught my eye:

I wonder if that thing is not heavy on his head...

Was totally proud of the support my fellow Mbomela-ians gave especially on Friday when Zambia played with Nigeria wow that crown was just great. This made me realise how soccer brings us all together, white black Indian, coloured didn’t matter we are all African in the end.  I love the spirit when there is just jubilation and soccer does just that. So yeah....I love soccer, but do not go asking me about the off sight rule neh?

Friday 18 January 2013

Gone too soon

Cancer Support photo support.jpg
It starts with awareness

On a little bit of a serious note I'd like to share the story of cancer in my family.....

She was taken away from us way too soon.  My sister, my cousin died late last year because of cervical cancer.  She left behind a pretty 15 year old girl and the smartest good looking 8 year old boy I know.  I will never forget the day she passed on. It was on a Sunday afternoon at the Oncology ward at Nelspruit Medi-Clinic. She lay there peacefully and looked like she was resting as we spoke to her she could only respond in body movements but could not utter a word.
The day before her Oncologist said Zanele (my sister) was the strongest patient he had ever come across. The battle of cancer had worn her out and he sadly admitted there is nothing medical science could do to help her.  She had had several operations, had gone through chemo therapy and all those processes she remained in pain yet strong. We had t be there 24/7 coz anything could happen.  We had not lost hope in God but we had to Pray and ask for the Will of God to be done.   We did that because on the Saturday evening she said her good byes and asked for her kids to be well looked after.
 Before she passed on a sister came in to check on her and asked to be left with one member of the family as we stood outside moments later we heard her older sister screaming we knew immediately she had left us.  She looked peaceful more peaceful than I had ever seen her but we were so sure she had rested, her last days in this earth were filled with way too much pain. This is because she took too long to accept  that she had a cancer living in her body, her mother too had it so did her grandmother.
I just had to share the story of Zanele because ladies Cancer is true and if we do not take care of ourselves by taking pre cautionary measures. There are all types of Cancers but just for a little bit of information about cervical cancer: 
·         Symptoms: Most ovarian growths in women under age 30 are benign, fluid-filled cysts.
·         The exact causes of ovarian cancer are unknown.
·         Risk factors that increase the chance of developing ovarian cancer include a family history of cancer, being over 55 years of age, and never being pregnant.
·         The ovarian cancer symptoms and signs can be vague but may include abdominal swelling, pressure, or pain, frequent urination or urinary urgency, back pain, leg pain, unusual vaginal bleeding, and feeling full quickly
Lets educate ourselves and live.

Friday 11 January 2013

The end to the lovely begining

Looking back 2012 has been an eventful year filled with loads of changes surrounding us especially in South Africa. Politically was quite hectic, socially we saw things we never imagined would happen again in South Africa.

But then there were the fun times....we had events that were totally awesome we saw event management companies taking a big step in impressing the crowds because they finally understand what the people want.  The MP Spring Picnic at Kamhlushwa was a big successes, The Annual 60s we waaay better than 2011 and the turn up was good, we saw Lekazi come back to life as eNdumbeni got back its people after they got lost to bro Spikiri at Zar car wash lol....these is just to mention the very few!

As we begin 2013 I believe we still will have a lot to celebrate. For starters life, the gift to live that has been given to us, the many times we escaped death's snare and going through the loss of people close and dear to us. I look forward to sharing this year's events that my close friends will be hosting....keep an eye out for them.

Resolutions??? Well I have live life in abundance! As the living Word says in John 10:10 "Christ came that we may have life and have in great abundance”.  Until then keep well loved ones.