Thursday 27 June 2013

Meet Miss Euphony

What a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak to my lovely dear friend 'THE Skin Therapist' Miss  Paballo Euphony Kgadima.  She is down to earth, grounded and humbled yet very well outspoken about her views. I hope you will enjoy knowing her better as you indulge in reading the interview I had with her.

1. Most people know u as Pabi/Paballo; you now use your other name- Euphony. Who is Miss Euphony? Euphony is my second name given to me by my Grandfather at birth. The word is derived from the Greek language and it means-"good sound". My Grandfather believed I would be that in my parents’ lives and that I would be creative. I choose and prefer to use that name now, because being a spiritual person I believe I am living out that name in this part of my life right now.
2. The passion for beauty and skin care started..... Growing up I always took part in drama or arts related activities, and everyone around me expected me to study drama, fashion designing or journalism. I wanted to; however my parents felt I had to at least try something that they felt would be a “career”… In my attempt to rebel, I decided to apply for Somatology. My Father was shocked at first, but gave in. My Mother on the other hand supported me… I applied, and thought I would be only studying makeup, and that skin care or beauty related courses would feature in my curriculum. I was in for a surprise when I got to campus to find it was a science campus, we had to wear uniform, and the students on that campus were stuck in their books. The worst part was when I was handed my time table with my subjects for the year; I saw chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology, nutrition… I told myself that I would do my best and thought about how much my parents had spent, so I studied and excelled in my skin care related modules. My lecturer’s often complimented me on those modules and I had a way of connecting with clients, which they thought was a gift. That is how I fell in love with skin care and beauty. 3. Biggest achievement since the beginning of your business? The achievement is two-fold; sticking to what I have set out to do, to establish myself as a skin therapist and being given a platform on Sisterhood. I have a long way to go and it gets harder as I go along, however I sleep easy knowing that I took the plunge to pursue my dream and people are inspired.4. The best advice you have ever received is? This is a tricky one; I am surrounded by amazing people, I find it hard to just pick one… I will have to go with my Mother; “Remember to do whatever you do to the best of your ability, and stay true to yourself in the process.”

5. What/who inspires you? People, I am inspired by people who pursue their dreams despite the status quo that says you need to have “job security” to be successful. I am inspired by music, it reminds me that what I do can be simple yet it can change someone’s life. I am inspired by the success of those who have passed on, while their legacy continues to live on. I want to be that woman, who leaves a great legacy behind. I always say to my Mother that my tombstone should read, “Here lies the Skin Therapist; she changed the world one face at a time.” 6. Your "pick me up" secret? A hot bubble bath, with Nina Simone playing in the background, that usually works. Cooking is also therapy for me. I have also discovered that running is the best therapy next to crying… LOL!7. Your favourite "celebration" ritual? When I order a Rock Shandy- just know that I am celebrating something *giggles*. That has to be my favorite, be it on my own or in the presence of someone else, that drink is just a well done affirmation to myself.
8. Your biggest skin faux pas? Great concealer and filling your unshaped eyebrows with the Woolworth’s Perfect Nude eye shadow palette, those two are a great skin faux pas combo!
9. Healthy skin is… Smooth, radiant and plump!

10. Exciting projects ahead of 2013? I have been working on two projects that I want to launch, all will be revealed in good time. I have learnt to practice the art of stepping back and looking at what I do from the outside, trying to work out how I can better my brand, acknowledging my mistakes and working on delivering the best as a Skin Therapist.

Twitter: @SkinTherapistSA
 Facebook Page: Skin Therapist SA.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Excited about...

A few weeks ago I introduced you to Collen Nxumalo a young writer who is making waves on the book shelves around the world with a few literacy awards to his name. I received good feedback on that post. So I have decided to interview more people I know that are making it rain in their respective industries.

This is exciting as I will introduce you to some one in the fashion industry, music industry, event management industry, training industry, beauty and skin care industry and loads more. Sure you will find someone you could identify with.  With these interviews I will give out their contact details. I hope you will enjoy this new feature.

Monday 24 June 2013

I have a second family

We spend most of our waking time in work. This literally becomes your second home, more especially so if you are office bound or are just somewhere about that same building.  If it is an environment that is dull, grey and sickly we shall be such as well. I have been fortunate enough that my second home is bubbly, cheerful, bright yellow and just warm. We get along so well Mondays are never felt.

We love to celebrate and we go all out when we do.  We have the weirdest celebrations; in fact we can find a reason to celebrate every week if we could.  We have had driver’s licence parties, divorce anniversary parties, sad Bon Voyages and the mandatory birthday celebrations.  What do we love the most? Good food, chilled beverages (mostly alcoholic), good company, a good laugh and definitely “capturing” the moments.
My colleagues are my siblings; we will sometimes fight but soon get over it and move on with life. Work can be hard but we always have hands to assist.  Apparently sometimes we communicate in codes that no else understands. Hahaha!  Our manager calls us her “A-Team” she says we are people that excel in what we do. Maybe the team spirit comes from the fact that we like family, we have each others’ backs and damn we good at covering for each other. All it takes is a text message and you know you are sorted, details to be discussed later.
Most people have friends that last a life time whom they have met at work.  It because of the work environment they found themselves in. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, aaaw I honestly do not envy you!  

Keeps me going

Everytime I think of giving up or letting go, I am reminded that there are people who would love to see me fail. That keeps me going no matter how hard things get.

Thursday 6 June 2013


The whole thing about being thankful is that it opens closed doors for more things to grateful and thankful for.  The less you complain and the more you realise you have so much more than what others, even if it looks small the more blessed you become. Take some time daily to be grateful for even the smallest stuff. If you feel you do not have anything to be grateful for, just be grateful that you can still breathe on your own. A little thank you goes a long way. Think about it.

Facts that Blew my mind

I would like to share some (maybe not so informative) but interesting facts that blew my mind this week.

1. Your brain has the capacity to remember ALL experiences you have gone through.
{So we do remember what we say we do not remember experiencing?}
2. 32% of adults sleep with stuffed toys/animal.
{ I do not have a choice my daughter insits we share a bed with them}
3. At any given time 0.7% of people inthe world are drunk
{Lets Drink to that! hahaha!}
4. It takes 90 days to form a habit and 28 to break one.
{Is this where Steve harvey gets the 90 day rule?}
5. Sour Candy is almost as bad for your teeth as battery acid.
{Eish must say Bye to sour worms  }
6. Cambodia has 0% unemployment.
{Okay this was really an "Aaaaah! Wow!" moment for me}

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Food for thought...

I love good food, yes not just food but good food.  Having worked in the hospitality industry has exposed me to a variety of cuisines and have tasted some of the most bizarre foods.  Topping my list has to be Chef Samir's Blue Cheese Sundae...yes Blue Cheese Sundae!

I have decided to share this passion by doing one on one training sessions on basic cooking. Every family has to enjoy and not dread meal times. There are people out there who really cannot cook to save their lives, like they just do not have it in them.  We were not all born as “Super chefs” but we can polish up the skills on cooking by learning a little bit more about techniques and methods of cooking. Then there are the people that love cooking and are good at it but need a little polishing up on a few things.

I train at the comfort of your home, at scheduled times over a period of 8-10 weeks a few hours per session. Depending on your needs, the cost per session will differ. I will compile a file with information on cooking and give you recipes which will use during the training and extra ones for your own future use.  These sessions are fun and will definitely make meal times enjoyable for you and your family if you live with one.

Halla at your girl and I will get back to you:
Twitter: @CharmzaMokoena
Face Book: Mmathabo Charmaine Mokoena

To good food!!!!

Knowledge is power

Our biggest enemy is not knowing.  They say that what you do not know will not kill you, but I believe otherwise. See when you do not know something that is essential or concerns you, the very same thing can cause your death.  This is not to justify snooping, so please do not get me wrong.  I believe the biggest reason that makes women to be so inquisitive in their relationships is the fear of not knowing.  She will open her man’s mail to see what he pays or has paid for using his credit card.  In most cases women have found out that their men are cheating with information found in the mail.  Some women go through the cell phone to find pictures, messages and call records that just open their eyes to the reality of the promiscuous behaviour their partners are involved in.  In knowing that information they can make more informed decisions about their relationship: to stay in a relationship that carries lies or to leave and move on with their lives.  These are just two simple examples I could think of about making it your business to have knowledge about things that concern you. 
So it is also my business to know what happens around me, the most obvious things are usually the least important. Worry less about them and make it your business to know anything that concerns you. So, honestly I am a serial snooper, I make it my business to know, it has saved me a lot of heart ache in the past but sometimes caused hurt too.  So before you start making it your business to know, a little caution: Be prepared to find out anything, and when you do find it, deal with it.