Tuesday 4 June 2013

Knowledge is power

Our biggest enemy is not knowing.  They say that what you do not know will not kill you, but I believe otherwise. See when you do not know something that is essential or concerns you, the very same thing can cause your death.  This is not to justify snooping, so please do not get me wrong.  I believe the biggest reason that makes women to be so inquisitive in their relationships is the fear of not knowing.  She will open her man’s mail to see what he pays or has paid for using his credit card.  In most cases women have found out that their men are cheating with information found in the mail.  Some women go through the cell phone to find pictures, messages and call records that just open their eyes to the reality of the promiscuous behaviour their partners are involved in.  In knowing that information they can make more informed decisions about their relationship: to stay in a relationship that carries lies or to leave and move on with their lives.  These are just two simple examples I could think of about making it your business to have knowledge about things that concern you. 
So it is also my business to know what happens around me, the most obvious things are usually the least important. Worry less about them and make it your business to know anything that concerns you. So, honestly I am a serial snooper, I make it my business to know, it has saved me a lot of heart ache in the past but sometimes caused hurt too.  So before you start making it your business to know, a little caution: Be prepared to find out anything, and when you do find it, deal with it.

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