Tuesday 30 July 2013

This is Cloudnine...

Introducing to you an awesome South African clothing brand - Cloudnine Urbanwear. This brand is co owned by two young guys Tumelo aka Tukza and Mbuso aka TheeAlphaman, they started little using mainly facebook social media to get their brand out there doing deliveries around soweto for free and posting anywhere in South Africa. It all seems just like yesterday today you can place youroder online, pay and get it delivered to you injust a few days or just walk into their store and purchase what you like. I love thi brand because all their Clothing is produced right here in Mzansi...here is some information about Cloudnine.

How did the inception of Cloudnine Urbanwear come along?
We started off with the manufacture t-shirts of which we it cemented our arrival and helped us to secure a certain market share in this competitive clothing industry and then soon after that people were demanding more stuff so we added more lines slowly but surely but now we proud to say that Cloudnine urbanwear is one of the biggest brands in Soweto and slowly becoming a force to be reckoned in Joburg. 

The inspiration for the name Cloudnine Urbanwear
We wanted a bold, provocative and positive name and Cloudnine fitted that description perfectly as most of people perceive the word as a negative one.
Who is this brand meant for?
The brand is for urban youth who are stylish and funky have a dream of making it in life.
What drives/inspires you to grow the brand?
Innovation is our driving force. We get inspired by young people who try come up with fresh and smart ways of making a success. Not to forget the loyal customers and friends who have believed in us until this very day.
Hardest challenges you have come across in the clothing industry?
There is a couple of challenges but I will try to skip the obvious one (finance).
-Building a brand is one of the biggest challenges because one wrong step you are out and we still learning each and every day.
-Giving the brand a strong leg to stand on in our neighboring provinces. It is still work in progress.
What are your greatest milestones since the inception of your brand?
Eeeeeeeeeeeh *****Scratches the head*****  I don’t think we have had our greatest milestone as yet guess it’s still coming but don't get us wrong we are grateful of what we have achieved so far but we want more.
Where do you think is South Africa heading looking at young entrepreneurs from the townships?South Africa has had a relatively good reception to entrepreneurs. If your work is quality people will follow your work regardless. So keep at it and when you knock, doors will open eventually.
Who are the "Dreamerz and Believerz"?
A Dreamerz and Believerz is someone who has aspiration, ambition and inspiration to better their life no matter what their background is.   

Cloudnine Urbanwear Studios in Joburg CBD
42 Harrison St
Meischke’s Building
Suite 29, 2nd Floor
Cnr Harrison & Market st
Johannesburg CBD

Our office line:  011 039 5908

Social media contacts:

Cloudnine Urbanwear 


Thursday 25 July 2013

Meet Tumelo Mokoka

I continue to introduce to you young entrepreneurs making it big in their respective industries, this week I would like you to meet Tumelo"Tumza" Mokoka. A dear friend of mine who is a go-getter, intelligent and totally suave young man from Soweto. This vibrant, hard working, dedicated and very compassionate brother is the eldest of three guys. Indulge in the interview as you get to know him better.

 1. What is your driving passion in life?
My passion has been to build an enduring company & not forgetting my vision,
values and mission in life being my kids, family and wanting to leave an
ever lasting legacy when I jump to the next life time.
 2.        What was the biggest "leap of Faith" you have ever taken?
When I left my 9-5, because I felt like I had reached the end of the road andI was ready to take that risk even though at times yes I was very worried oflosing my valuable assets like: my houses, car, and all it had to be a calculated leap or risk BUT my strength was my living God.
3.        How did the inception of Let's Rock U Entertainment cc come about?
 I really don't have a fascinating story but it was way back in 2004 (I was
only 24yrs then) when I looked at everything around my life, politics and my
living condition as I'm not from a wealthy family & I had to make a wise decision that my kids were not going to experience all I have experienced....going to school with an empty stomach with lunch being 4 slices of brown bread alone while my friends were having cheese and French polony with juice, etc.
4.        The services and products that Let's Rock U Entertainment cc carries.
Our services are Project/Events Management,  Stage, Lights and Audiovisual hire. We also do Road shows and Artist/Dj's Management including freelancing. One of our future plans is embarking into TV Production.

5.        Most challenging event or project you have ever coordinated?
Iyooooo it has to be the 25th May 2013 at eMalahleni we hosted The Soil and Malik first time ever in that territory; one of the biggest events ever in the history of eMalahleni/Mpumalanga. The challenges were that eMalahleni doesn't have a big enough
venue to host the capacity we expected/that came for the night so control and
proper management was supposed to be paramount to avoid any risk what so
ever....thanks to the team I was working with for showing their great
expertise that night. Then the most talked about event was when Mr.Tokyo Sexwale
(Former Minister of Human Settlement) was addressing the residents of
Lenasia South about the housing issues or Government land sales but at the
end we triumphed in providing the best service ever.

 6.        Challenges that young entrepreneurs in the same field as you face

This industry is white dominated and competing with organizations like
GearHouse S.A, Oasys etc is never easy so you have to be on top of your
game, make sure that you leave an everlasting reminder or picture to your
clients and never ever relax- keep knocking those doors until you are heard
and noticed.
7.        Projects coming up still in 2013.
We are currently working on our 3rd Annual Mpumalanga Spring Picnic coming
in September-Mp get ready, a Kwaito Tour and a TV Production that will take the
country by storm.
8.        The best business advice ever received?
I'm currently reading a book by Steve Jobs and it has the best ever motivational business inserts and my favourite advice from him is that ”Businesses should be striving toward finding the perfect balance between the quality of their offering and the importance of their profit"- Because let's face it the one can't do without the other.
9.        Watch this space as LRUE brings.....
I'm normally not a brag but I will say my work speaks for itself so watch the space as we bring you, #MPSpringPicnic2013, a TV Production, a  Kwaito Tour and more...not yet uhuru.
I would like to dedicate this interview to our dear Friend Bheki Senong :
 "In God we trust, RIP Boy"

 Office:011 477-5853
Mobile:083 543 2622
Facebook page: Let's Rock U EntertainmentTwitter: @melokoka @Lets_rock_u
Thank you and may the good Lord bless you Mo-Afrika.

Monday 22 July 2013

Moving on...

New beginnings come when we start learning to accept that what is behind we need to leave.  Most doors ahead open only when we close the ones behind us. For every new dawn there was a night that was filled with darkness, as long as you know you in a tunnel eventually you will be at its end, dispair not.
~M.C. Mokoena~

Friday 19 July 2013

Farewell Senong

A few weeks ago I introduced to you a good friend of mine Bheki Senong.  It is with great grief and heartbreak that I inform you that he is no more. His passing away last week Friday (12 July 2013) was sudden and unexpected, it has left us all in awe with loads of unanswered questions.  We have lost a father, a husband, a son, a brother and a good friend. He had so much to still do, so many plans and greater things to achieve, but maybe, just maybe God had other plans. He has run his race whatever is left we can complete. Everyone that knows him would know know that he was all about pushing hard, hustling, and making a way where there seems to be no way. Lets grieve, let the good memories we all have of him live on, celebrate his life but we have to let him go. It has been an unreal week for me but reality has hit that my friend my crazy good friend with the most infectious laugh is gone.  "Hamba kahle Chomie yami, ngiyakuncanywa" (as u always said to me). I will make sure that your memory lives on, it was an honour to know you. Rest in peace my Chomie.

Thursday 11 July 2013

For the love of winter

Today a glass of smoth Merlot or a rich Carbet Savignon would really go down well with a rich Mutton stew and rice.  Red wines always bring that warmth in chilly days like these. are you a wine lover? Here are a few tips on the serving temperature for your favourite wines. Happy drinking....Cheers
Tip: red wine is generally served at room temperature but note that we refer to the room temparature in France which is at about 18 degrees celsius.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Meet Lihle Malinga

I would like to introduce you to Thembelihle (Lihle) aka “LillyBelle” Malinga. A chef and beauty therapist by profession, co-owner of Connoisseur Mobile Day Spa, proud founder of Lwazi’s Cooking n' Catering as well as Lillybelle Accessories.  This multi talented young lady hails from the beautiful province of KZN in a town called Dundee. One of the bubbliest people I know, she is a mom, sister, daughter and makes a great friend. A go-getter whom in her words says: “IMPOSSIBLE is a word that does not exist in my vocabulary”. She shared with me some really thought provoking views and opinions that got me really thinking about entrepreneurship. Enjoy the read…

1. Tell us about your professional training background
I went to primary and high school T Dundee. I am a mom, a sister, a daughter and a great friend. I studied for a Diploma in Professional Cookery at the International Hotel School and did my 3 year in service traineeship at Alpine Heath Resort in the Northern Drakensberg. While working as a chef I decided to study Massage Therapy, through the Beauty Therapy Institute. Best decision of my life!
2. Cooking and beauty? How do the two mix?
You have no idea how many times I've been asked this question... Just makes me laugh!!! *chuckles* Both fields have always been my passion. Coming from a strict family I actually wasn't allowed to study for either of my chosen careers. Believe it or not I actually tried to study for Graphic Design once upon a time!!!! My parents should have seen it coming; I started collecting recipes at the age of 14. When I was younger my mom was my kitchen hero... She would cook and bake up a storm. Every week she would bake so when visitors came, there would be something to have with their tea. She made everything from scratch, even ice cream back in the days!!I guess hospitality is in my blood, I love taking care of people one way or another... It actually works because some of our spa packages have light snacks and refreshments. I actually see myself owning a restaurant with its own spa... Let's say in 5years time. How I knew definitely that I would study massage therapy was when my father was involved in a car accident and had hurt his back, I knew how to massage it better and it has always come naturally to me. The only logical thing to do was just to get my Diploma so I could practice my gift formally.
3. What inspired the inception of your two businesses (the spa and cooking classes)?
When I was studying Massage therapy, the aim was to work for myself, and not for any other spa. That's when I met my business partner Ntswaki Moreriane a Beauty Therapist who just fueled my passion even further that our spa can become a reality. It took months of planning and finally Connoisseur Mobile Day Spa was started in May 2012. Our spa is mobile so we actually travel to people's homes.
How the cooking classes came about, was that my other passion kept on calling me. I was working for our spa fulltime, but would find that I have free time here and there to do other things. That's when I came up with Lwazi's Cooking n' Catering (named after my daughter Nolwazi). I saw the need to teach, because some people don't know how to cook to save their lives LOL. So I travel to people's homes and spend a good 4-5hours teaching them on what we agreed on beforehand.
4. Where do you get your inspiration?
I’m inspired by a lot of people, number 1 has always been my dad. I have never met another parent with such determination and passion who only does the best for his children. He has also invested in my businesses because he has that much faith in me. I'm also inspired by Ntswaki Moreriane, Bongi Nkabinde, Malebo Gololo, Euphony Kgadima all these amazing young black ladies give me that motivation that dreams do come true.
5. Who gave you the best business tip / advice that you still live by today?
 Ask! Ask! Ask! "You've got to ask. Asking in my opinion, the world's most powerful and neglected secret to success and happiness" -Percy Ross, self made millionaire and philanthropist
6. Other projects you are involved in?
I recently started selling imported earrings as a hobby, because ladies were always asking me where do I buy my earrings. I stock all types of earrings and at very reasonable prices. I deliver them around Gauteng and courier them everywhere else.
I would actually love to volunteer in the near future, especially in kids and women shelters.
7. To relax after a long day of work what do you do?
I play a lot of music and read. Or sit in silence and reflect on the day's activities and plan for the next day.
8. You call yourself a momtrepreneur…what is that?
LOL!!! Yes I'm a momtrepreneur (derived from the words mom and entrepreneur) I'm a mom first before anything and I'm an entrepreneur second.  Everything that I do is to be able to provide for my 10year old daughter a better life.
9. What business mistakes have you made that you learned from?
What I have learned is that you cannot rush business, just because you have made your first sale does not guarantee that your business will survive the next 6 months. Never assume that you will get repeat business from previous clients. Marketing is KEY! Keep telling people about your business, network and don't be afraid to ask for help.
10. Challenges that young black female entrepreneurs are facing in SA today.
When you are new in your chosen industry no one wants to take you seriously. They wait up until you are established to give you support. Other black females that have made it, don't give out business advice on how they made it, they refuse to mentor unknown lady entrepreneurs.

Get in touch:
Connoisseur Mobile Day Spa (www.connoisseurspa.co.za)
Lihle 0717432336 / Ntswaki 0718989651
Facebook page is Connoisseur Mobile Day Spa
Twitter handle is @connoisseurspa

Lwazi's Cooking n' Catering -Cooking classes
Lihle 0717432336
Facebook page is Lwazi's Cooking n' Catering
Twitter handle is @cheflee

Lillybelle Accessories - Imported Earrings
Lihle 0717432336
Facebook page is Lillybelle Accessories

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Meet Bheki Senong

I am honoured to have had the opportunity to interview a dear friend of mine Bheki Senong.  This young “corporate hustler” as he calls himself, is a visionary who is ambitious, bubbly, outgoing and very straight forward. I’ve learned quite a lot from him as a friend and some good business principles. Please enjoy the interview!
1. A little background about Bheki Senong the man behind SGM
Bheki is a young vibrant entrepreneur from the dusty streets of Lekazi, Kanyamazane. I matriculated in 2000 from Khaliphani Senior Secondary School. In 2002 I went to the University of Witwatersrand to do my BED Degree. I worked for Marcus Evens Internationally for a period of two years doing sales and marketing. I’m the founder and CEO of Senong Global Management which is a company I established in 2008.
2. What inspired the inception of SGM?
The inception of SGM was inspired by the fact that a great number of young people were queuing for employment and everyone was of the belief that in order to live a comfortable life, one has to work for someone else. When I looked around me I saw a number of young black kids who were sitting at home with hopes that someone would call them with job offers. These were extremely intelligent kids some were even highly educated, but they were all waiting for some companies to help them unleash their potential. I started SGM not only because I have always been a business minded individual, but because I wanted to help create job opportunities, especially for the black youth of South Africa.
3. What does the brand SGM carry? (Products/services on offer)
SGM is a business intelligence company which is 100% black owned and it is part of Senong Business Group. The core of our business is to offer companies and government departments’ business intelligence/solutions in terms of training, conferencing, workshops and events.
4. Would you say you a "hustler"?
According to me “a hustler is a person who uses his brains to make it in this world”. Throughout my life I have always believed that life is what you make out of the little that you have, therefore  if you want  to be successful  in life  you better hustle, so yes I’m a corporate hustler.
5. Biggest business lesson learnt over the years?
If you don’t take risks in business your business will never grow, however all the risks that one takes must always be carefully calculated.
6. Milestones you have gone through since inception of the business.
Having to keep SGM afloat through the tough times of recession and being able to save the jobs of all my employees. 2009 was a trying time for all businesses worldwide and companies suffered a merger blow as a result a number of companies had to shut down and employment fell, but we survived and we are still in business.
7. Greatest achievements?
Taking a risk and opening an events department that has been growing from strength to strength throughout the years.
8. What exciting projects are you working on this year?

Our Events and Entertainment division will be working hand and clove with Guluva Entertainment doing Marketing and Management for Bonginkosi “Zola 7” Dlamini, Ghetto Son, and we will also be working on a debut album For Bruno aka Spiro form Rhythm City(also a former member of Gumshev). We will also be doing our 3rd annual Mpumalanga Spring Picnic- at Nkomazi during September 2013
I am personally looking forward to this event (Mpumalanga Spring Picnic), details to follow.
Contact Senong Global Management on:

Tel: 011 477 5771
email: sgm@senglobman.co.za
twitter: @senong001