Wednesday 17 September 2014

Our own season...

Nature is so obedient...look at a tree, lovely green leaves gives shade and coolness in hot summer days, gives sweet fruit as it was created to. Come Autumn it resists not to shed those useful leaves, first as they dry out because of lack of moisture and the cold making it difficult to stay green then one by one the leaves fall. Through the cold winter months it stands there knowing that it can not die, it must live with the little moisture it had stored in its deep roots. Instead of getting weak and dying, the branches and stem dry out and become stronger. Some branches are even cut to make fire but the tree stands there, unmoved and un shaken. This tree knows that winter is only a few months and soon Spring will come. This tree knows it has a purpose to fulfill come summer; fruits to bear and produce, shade and shelter to give from the sun. So it stands there.

Spring time comes, gentle rain pours giving the tree some new life for the new season's happenings. As it accepts all the nutrition from nature it starts to slowly bloom as if winter never happened. Little light green leaves come out then the flowers. They survive the wind and grow as the rain keeps on pouring, before you know it little fruits start to come. Its summer again, the leaves are a bigger with dark green colour, the branches that survived being used as wood for fire in winter are there strong as ever. Before you know it alas we have shade and fruit again...

Now if nature can endure and be obedient to this long painful cycle why do we as humans rebel, moan, try to change or get away from it? Yes our winter is not at the same time, coz we not at the same place. December when we enjoy summer in Africa somewhere in the world there is a heavy cold winter topped with snow. Why envy someone when they enjoy their shade and fruits as you are in your winter? Do you not know that your spring time will come? Take a lesson from the tree. Stand and be unshakable, let your winter prepare you for your summer otherwise you will not appreciate the fruits and shade when it eventually comes.

I'm so moved and challenged by nature see Psalm 19:1-7 and maybe as you're in your season you will know there is a reason!

Friday 22 August 2014

To all the daddies...

Most kids are raised by their moms and usually their fathers are absent.  When I saw this picture I immediately agreed because this is so true, I can testify to this. My deepest appreciation goes to the men that are in my life and are my daddies, they love me unconditionally and sometimes I just say daddy or papa not thinking that they not even my biological fathers. Then to the awesome man who came to my daughter’s life and became daddy, Brian, every time Rati says daddy her eyes brighten up and you can see she’s at ease. Thank you. Big up to all the daddies out there you doing what other men would not be able to are loved and appreciated

Thursday 7 August 2014

About love

It’s been a while and I miss this space...I have something a friend sent that he wrote and i though it would be too bad not to share. I hope you enjoy it, please do share it, leave your comments and feedback it would really be appreciated!
“The small things in life we take 4 granted life is too precious but can be more valuable when u have some 1 who loves you. Love is da conjunction of two souls but a 3rd person can be a coma to separate the two. Relationships have ups n downs it changes in colours ,taste ,appearance n weight but we have to stick to each other. Marriage is the form we fill with the hope to enrol in true happiness but the truth of the matter is that marriage is what u feel inside your heart. Honesty, love and Respect are the best elements in building true happiness. Look at your partner and remember the wrong choices you made before making the Right one .Love conquers when people Hate...”
Author XT Makhubela
Aint that just precious???

Monday 14 July 2014

My children

What’s on my mind this morning is about are my thoughts about it. I hope I can fulfil even only half of these so my kids one day can look up to me and say they have the best mother.  Here it goes...
 Raise your child so that they grow up having strong principles. Instil respect for self that way respecting others will come naturally. Remember God chose you to be their parent they did not chose you. With that being said, they owe you nothing but love and respect. Whether you give them the best education in the world, provide all materialistic things they desire, you are doing that as your way to thank God for the gift they are. Never tell your child they owe you because they are who they are because of you. Of cause you had to do that you chose to have a child and God chose them to be yours.  When they grow up, let them live their lives for themselves and God will bless you for raising them well. Even if they do not turn out to be what you expect them to be, just thank God you did your part as a parent.

Mama Oratile le Amogetswe

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Happy 100th day of #100HappyDays

It’s been quite a while...feels like forever. Mean while a lot has happened during my silence time; we lost great women Mama Mbeki and my most favourite writer and author the phenomenal Dr, Maya Angelou. South Africa saw an unexpected turn in politics as the “born Free’s” did not participate in voting on the 7 May 2014 as much as they were expected/anticipated. Personally I do not blame them...but that’s another topic for another day.  With all that I continued on my Gratitude journey.
Today I reached the 100th day of my journey in #100 happy days challenge. 70% of people are not able to complete this challenge but I chose to be part of the 30%. Sound impossible to be always happy and grateful for 100 straight days but it’s not, here’s how mine went:  It was truly a challenge because some days if felt as if there was just so much going on to look or find something that made me happy. Bound by the promise i made to myself (and my daily BBM status update) before sleeping I’d earnestly search for that small thing that made me truly grateful that day. Some days were so easy I could not even choose one thing because that day would have been filled with so much to appreciate. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned about gratitude and being happy:
·         Do not look for the big awesome things appreciate the little things in order to see the bigger things.
·         In gratitude you realise you have more to be thankful for than to complain about.
·         Learn to receive a simple “thank you” it will make you happy.
·         Being happy doesn’t always have to do with YOU receiving something, do something for someone and see how happy you will be.
·         Being happy is a choice even in the midst of adversity and confusion you can choose to find happiness.
·         Sharing your happiness with other dos not lessen it in any way.
·         Each day carries a gift of HAPPINESS find it, enjoy it and be GRATEFUL.
I am so happy for those that joined the journey to finding happiness each day because even after the #100HappyDays you will still be happy. Go out there make somebody’s day and see how HAPPY you will be and how GRATEFUL you be for that gift.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

For the love of Skin

Every lady needs a lipstick...
We all have that lip colour or lip-gloss that when we put on we feel we could take on the world, okay maybe not take on the world per se just makes us feel confident and you know it will make you stand out without looking like a clown from Joe’s circus. It’s the little thing we do to enhance our already existing beauty that brightens up our days. We all have that one (or two) friend that will never leave the house without wearing mascara, blush or little powder. The friend that is constantly being excused to go to the ladies to add a lil puff and dust here and there.  She’s the queen of makeup, but u do not have to be the queen of make up to wear makeup. It was created for us to just enhance what we already have, not to change us. So a little gloss to make the pout brighter and shinny, a lil eyeliner to make your beautiful eyes stand out, some blush to highlight your pretty check bones, mascara to add some volume to you long or short black lashes and some bright (or not so bright) nail colour to show off your precious hard working hands.

For all that I’m back in the game selling Avon, hit me up and I will hook you up. Happy shopping. Yours in beauty....
079 777 3797
@CharmzaMokoena (twitter)
Mmathabo Charmaine Mokoena

Friday 4 April 2014

Phenomenal Woman

I love Maya Angelou’s Poetry...her absolute best poem (well, according to me) is titled Phenomenal Woman.  She speaks of a woman who is phenomenal in being herself, so phenomenal people (men) wonder where her secret lies and she simply replies in just being her. She looks like she has fire in her eyes, walks with a click on her steps, when she smiles there’s a flash, the way she moves her waist gracefully. When she walks into a room you are bound to stare, not coz she has a figure fit to be a model or looks cute but coz she has presence. She does not speak real loud, and does not walk with her head bowed. That is a phenomenal woman.
This phenomenal woman needs to be awaken in all of us women; we need to know that to be phenomenal we need not be anything but ourselves.  Start appreciating you hips, your lips, your thighs, your arms as they are. Have the mystery that no one can figure out in just being naturally you coz you are a phenomenal woman, phenomenal woman that’s you....

Thursday 6 March 2014

100 days of Happy

We spend so much time worrying about little negative things that don't even bring us joy.
I realised that my happiness has been swallowed by all the negativity surrounding me; it now takes a lot to get me excited, when before a little thing could brighten my whole day. This has brought forth being an irritable and moody person and quite frankly I do not like that person. So I decided to start the #100 happy days challenge. Using social media each day will share a picture or something that made me happy. It doesn’t have to be something huge or out of this world, it can be anything. What I love about this is that it is not a challenge to impress anyone; it is about ME, being happy for a full #100 days! The challenging part about this challenge is knowing that 70% of the people could not complete the 100 days of happiness because they did not have enough time.
I want to make time to be happy, to make others happy and feel the happiness that is buried under all this greyness.  I will be sharing on my face book and my twitter my #100 days of happy moments. I can’t wait!! So who wants to join??? Register on this will help you keep track and be part of the multitudes spreading #happy. 
#Happy days ahead!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

A glance back...

I would just to take a quick moment to look back at 2013...moments that made me happy, things I enjoyed, people I feel we need to keep an eye on this year and the high flyers in 2013…Here we go:
Homies that made me proud:


Mxolisi Ndzimande works at eHlanzeni FET College who scooped an award for brand visibility in the Education sector! Who said awesome awards are in acting or music? My brother over here be making it rain! Marketers especially in Education sectors sit up and take a note, or two! He is also doing very well in business, keep eyes here to see what he brings in 2014. Well done my friend here’s to a GREAT year.


 Collen Nxumalo for an award as best first time published author at the South African Literacy Award on his book “From this point”. Well done home boy, proving that young black men do read and write. Soon he will be launching his second book “heaven is a better place” all the best.

Cool events:
For Witbank one of the biggest events was in May 2013 at the Civic Centre when SMG and Let’s Rock You Entertainment hosted The Soil. The event was on fire,later a surprise appearance by Zola who had been out of the scene for some time made this event one of the most talked about event in Witbank.
The Soil Performing at eMalahleni

Later in September Lets Rock You Entertainment did it again in Nkomazi and brought Zola to the people for the 3rd Annual MP Spring Picnic, epic...This featured some local Dj’s and  a lot of artists who are now making waves in the music industry with the likes of Choco, KB, Bruno, Pardon, Ghetto son and many more. Word is Zola will be realising an album this year...something to look forward to!

My biggest loss in 2013...

Losing my dear friend Bheki Senong in July. It was so sudden and unexpected, still hard to believe he is no more I had done an interview with him “Meet Bheki Senong” and there’s still so much he wanted to do, he left behind a beautiful wife with 2 beautiful kids...Miss you so much my Chomie.

My  two "this is ME" Moments

 Being nominated to be part of the POUT movement! Read the article I wrote “I am POUT” This really humbled me as my nomination meant that someone saw some potential in me being Powerful, Outstanding, Unique and Talented. There is a lot we will be doing in 2014/15 as the ambassadors keep your eyes peeled here: #POUT newsletter. Thank you so much to Zaza Motha the founder for believing in us to carry this brand as the first group of embassadors.

Also finally establishing my business. Procharm is my baby, my company that inspired me to be just who I am, to work harder to build a brand and legacy. The company is focused in Hospitality Training for people that are already in the industry like chef, food servers , housekeepers, front ofhouse staff and so on. The aim is to enhance and polish up the skills that these individuals have, in doing so they can fit into the ever evolving hopsitality industry giving the best service. Biggest break was working with Global village Guesthouse's chefs for 4 months. All gratitude goes back to those that belived in me when I started giving one on one private cooking lessons. This is only the begining...

Looking forward to a better and GREATER 2014. Please follow the blog, share the posts and do Comment.

Follow on twitter:
Mxolisi Ndzimande: @MxoMP
Collen Nxumalo: @collennxumalo
Lets Rock You Entertainment: @Lets_Rock_U
POUT: @POUTmovement
Me: @CharmzaMokoena

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Welcome back

Hello, It’s been a minute I missed this place. It is the beginning of a new year and looking back I couldn’t wait for 2013 to end until I had a revelation filled conversation with someone. She said to me I must appreciate the hard times that 2013 brought forth because these hard times are proof that I am a conqueror as I survived them. She further said in life there is no breakthrough without a breakdown. So yeah I’m glad I had whatever experience in2013, I’m back full force in 2014 and looking forward to writing loads of interesting stuff. Please feel free to comment on all my posts, follow the blog and share with others. My next post will be a quick flash back to 2013’s moments then will kick start the year with something different.
I hope that this year brings you Joy, Prosperity, Love, Success in abundance and results for every effort to put in. Here’s to a year full of favour!