Monday 14 July 2014

My children

What’s on my mind this morning is about are my thoughts about it. I hope I can fulfil even only half of these so my kids one day can look up to me and say they have the best mother.  Here it goes...
 Raise your child so that they grow up having strong principles. Instil respect for self that way respecting others will come naturally. Remember God chose you to be their parent they did not chose you. With that being said, they owe you nothing but love and respect. Whether you give them the best education in the world, provide all materialistic things they desire, you are doing that as your way to thank God for the gift they are. Never tell your child they owe you because they are who they are because of you. Of cause you had to do that you chose to have a child and God chose them to be yours.  When they grow up, let them live their lives for themselves and God will bless you for raising them well. Even if they do not turn out to be what you expect them to be, just thank God you did your part as a parent.

Mama Oratile le Amogetswe

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