Thursday 6 March 2014

100 days of Happy

We spend so much time worrying about little negative things that don't even bring us joy.
I realised that my happiness has been swallowed by all the negativity surrounding me; it now takes a lot to get me excited, when before a little thing could brighten my whole day. This has brought forth being an irritable and moody person and quite frankly I do not like that person. So I decided to start the #100 happy days challenge. Using social media each day will share a picture or something that made me happy. It doesn’t have to be something huge or out of this world, it can be anything. What I love about this is that it is not a challenge to impress anyone; it is about ME, being happy for a full #100 days! The challenging part about this challenge is knowing that 70% of the people could not complete the 100 days of happiness because they did not have enough time.
I want to make time to be happy, to make others happy and feel the happiness that is buried under all this greyness.  I will be sharing on my face book and my twitter my #100 days of happy moments. I can’t wait!! So who wants to join??? Register on this will help you keep track and be part of the multitudes spreading #happy. 
#Happy days ahead!