Thursday 19 February 2015

Strength of a woman

She smiles when she actually wants to cry...cries when she's happy. Keeps quiet when she just has too much to say. She carries hurt and pain not for grudge but as lessons learnt. Now and again she will go through the same hurts n pains, amazingly, she just brushes it off knowing she will survive coz she's been there before.
A strong woman can genuinely congratulate another on an achievement she had hoped she'd get first but coz she knows that hard work pays off, she waits her turn.
A strong woman loves with out any conditions this is because she knows that love has not any seasons. She loves even when she should leave, she loves even when she's not loved back. She knows the true value of love. The love she has for her off spring cannot ever be changed no matter what.
A strong woman understands the values of forgiveness, when she's wrong she waits not to be told, she admits her wrong truly and apologises. She knows that forgiving someone else is more for her value than that of the person she's forgiving.
A strong woman stands her ground....the things she believes in change not, she is constant through and through...

The thing about a Strong woman is that she is real and in being real she is not perfect and she's alright with that coz she knows she's human, created by God Himself....

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